Honky Tonk Women
It's the honky tonk women
Gimme, gimme, gimme the honky tonk blues.
Hey, Cotillion groupies! Gather 'round for some stuff-struttin' from us honky tonk women! And with today--July 26th--being Mick Jagger's birthday, this one's for you, Mick; we know how you do so
love women. (
Hey, didn't
Sadie say something about bad boys last week or something?? Hmmm.) Hey, he's not
my type anyway; I've always been more of a
Keef girl. ;-)
Denita's rockin out today too, while Claire's rockin' some vintage and Sadie's offering up some quintessential femme fatales.
So, let's rock with Some Girls!

She was more than beautiful
Closer to ethereal
With a kind of down to earth flavor
Close my eyes
It's three in the afternoon
Then I realize
That she's really gone for good
Jody starts it up with the story of Susan Torres, a terminally ill and brain-dead pregnant woman, and asks for our help and our prayers for the Torres baby's life. It's a tragic story that has nothing to do with "right to die" issues--it's a simple plea for help for the baby, now finally in the third-trimester stage of development.

"Things are different today,"
I hear ev'ry mother say
Cooking fresh food for a husband's just a drag
So she buys an instant cake and she burns her frozen steak
And goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And two help her on her way, get her through her busy day
OK, so
The Anchoress doesn't have
that kind of "little helper." ;-) She
writes on a topic near and dear to me--the value of the stay-at-home mother, but in terms of
the stay-at-home mother's education. Which reminds me of my all time favorite
movie quote:
"you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a f---in' education you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library." She's smarter than most of the college-degreed people I know, after all!

Waiting for a girl and her knees are much too fat
Waiting for a girl who wears scarves instead of hats
Her zipper's broken down the back
Waiting for a factory girl
The American Princess (of the impeccable fashion sense)
rips the Washington Post Style editor Robin Givhan a new one for her
bad taste, following La Givhan's decidedly
unstylish review of the John Roberts family.
Echoes of Joan Rivers? [Note to E.M.: next time you're down South, we ARE going shopping! :-D ]

I go wild act like a goat
And I get sick, lumps in my throat
I go wild
I go wild
I go crazy, I go insane
I get sick somebody stop this pain
The Other Beth (sorry, sorta inside LC joke) says "yeah, right, whatever" to the latest pop culture obsession in the media in
Everyone's Wild About Harry (Potter). She says people won't agree with
her opinion on this, but as far as I'm concerned, she's right on target. Kids and books: awesome. Excessive international media coverage of its release: yeah, right, whatever.

Well you're crazy mama
With your ball and chain
Plain psychotic
Plain insane
If you don't believe I'm gonna do it
Just wait for the thud of the bullet
Psychotic might describe CBC reporter Krista Erickson, in
this report from Kate of
small dead animals about Ms. Erickson's little jaunt down to Mexico. Yeeeesh,
Hurricane Krista, indeed!
Mama says yes, Papa says no,
Make up you mind 'cause I gotta go.
I'm gonna raise hell at the Union Hall,
Drive myself right over the wall.
who tends the fires from Texas,
hosted a get-together with some fellow
Loyal Citizens over the weekend and SAID she was going to live-blog it, but much to my dismay (as well as that of other LCs), it didn't quite work out that way. At the party was another Cotillion member, (The Other)
Beth, who forgot her laptop, so
she was no help! Even so,
she writes here about the party--I wish I could have been there!

Well I never kept a dollar past sunset,
It always burned a hole in my pants.
Never made a school mama happy,
Never blew a second chance, oh no
Auctions! Or more precisely,
eBay is the topic in
Holly's post (and oh, how I love
eBay!). She writes of the
latest trend with eBay sellers--live-blogging the auction from within the auction page itself, as in
this one (which is being done by
one of our own in the Cotillion).
What on earth will eBayers think of next?

Say a prayer for the common foot soldier
Spare a thought for his back breaking work
Say a prayer for his wife and his children
Who burn the fires and who still till the earth
OK, I admit I am
forcing myself to be polite for this one, because USUALLY when I see something about this story, my blood boils. Cassandra of
Villainous Company has THE quintessential villain
in this post about the funeral-crasher Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll of Pennsylvania, who disrespected the service and memory of SSG Joseph Goodwin at his funeral. (If I were only posting this only at my own blog, I'd be much freer with my language--er, thoughts, if you get my drift.) However,
Cassandra takes the high road and does a spectacular job of taking the focus off that hateful creature, and honors SSG Goodwin (and in fact, all veterans) as he should be honored.

I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well, I could tell by her blood-stained hands
Deception from the left, says
Mary Katharine Ham.
(As usual, say I.) With the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court, the left is falling all over themselves to find "damning" (to them) evidence against him--this time (brace yourselves!) with the esteemed
Federalist Society.
Good grief! It's Ra
ther interesting that they
didn't even get their accusation (if you can call it that) right, and you can even C BS in how they respond to being corrected.
Mary Katharine also has words for WaPo's Robin Givhan and her idiotic child fashion-bashing which I simply can't ignore, because she even included a picture of my "most wanted" dress of the year! ;-)

And it's it's one hit to the body
It comes straight from the heart
One hit to the body
Sure went straight to the mark
So help me God
Zendo Deb of TFS Magnum fires back at the idiots in the press and law enforcement who call attackers "victims" when the real victim fights back, in the story of a violent criminal who assaulted his girlfriend, his cousin, and a neighbor--only to be finally stopped with one bullet. And
he was called a "victim"?? Puh-leeeze!

Life's just a cocktail party on the street
Big Apple
People dressed in plastic bags
Directing traffic
Some kind of fashion
New Jersey girl
Fausta opens up the Bad Hair Blog to gather a
huge group of New Jersey bloggers in the
10th Carnival of New Jersey Bloggers! (And she didn't even split up the carnival as we've done!) Hopefully, she's not too burned out on carnival writeups after that one!
OK, you've got some reading to do today now, dontcha?
As always, each of the four parts of the carnival are posted at our individual sites: mine, Denita's, Claire's, and Sadie's. And while you're here at Cotillion, update your blogrolls, bookmarks/favorites, and tattoos!
[All lyrics with thanks to Keno's R.S. Lyrics Page]
Posted by
July 26, 2005 05:37 AM